Monday, September 30, 2024

ROXY MUSIC - AVALON (West Germany 'Target' CD FLAC EX)

Hello and Welcome Back.. Roxy Music's biggest album of the 80s?.. You will find the Made In Japan Version Here

 Take a Listen


Released in 1982, 'Avalon' was the 8th (and final) studio album by U.K band 'Roxy Music' which spawned 3 singles, those being 'More Than This', 'Avalon' & 'Take a Chance With Me'

The cover pictures 'Lucy Helmore' (later to become Bryans wife) looking over 'Ugga Beag lake, Connemara, in Ireland at dawn

The female singing in 'Avalon' is 'Yanick Étienne' who was recording in the studio next door and Bryan loved her voice

The album on offer is the Made In West Germany 'Target' CD in FLAC EXpanded Frequency Format, Exclusive to Electronic80s..


West Germany 'Target' CD (above)


More Than This
The Space Between
While My Heart Is Still Beating
The Main Thing
Take A Chance With Me
To Turn You On
True To Life



Be Patient with the download, it could take a while depending on your internet speed..

Stream or Download (on the google drive page, click the down arrow next to the name of the album to download and save to your computer) 





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