Tuesday, August 27, 2024

1986 - LOST HITS MIXTAPE (FLAC EX - CD Quality Music Download) + VIDEO Version (2024) (Re-UP)

Hello and Welcome Back... For Those Who Are New To This Site  (Bonus Album Of The Week)

Each tape tells a story about what was happening in my life as a young boy growing up in Campbelltown, South West of Sydney in Australia in the 80s

This is Tape 6

Ah, 1986.. I was 16 years old and in year 10 in high school.. Yay... Right?

Actually, No..

I remember the last day of high school, walking home early on a hot summers day with my best friend Rebecca (girl next door) singing 'no more school, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks' (Alice Cooper song) and when I we got home, I went for a swim.. ahh, life was great...

A few days later it dawned on me.. Shit, I have to get a job.

And so started my working career. I got my first job at 'Venture'. It was kinda like 'K-Mart' only more clothes but they did have a toy section... And guess who was in charge of the toy department?...

Me. :)

I ran my toy section like a tight ship, everything was set up to give that 'wow' factor. One faithful day, I did a huge stack (like a pyramid) of Teddy Ruxpin's, (they were like a talking bear for those who don't know), took me almost 2 hours to create, Looked bloody wonderful... Was my boss impressed?.. Well, if he was, he didn't say..

Sadly it didn't last long.

You see.. I was at lunch when I heard a commotion.
A child had gone missing in the store!!
The mother was frantic, all hysterical, shouting & crying.. Poor thing. My boss was flustered, getting worried by the minute, salivating at the mouth.

Me, I was more worried about my Teddy Ruxpin Pyramid which had seem to have lost shape... Some bloody kid had knocked it over.
I stood there looking at my creation gone wrong when suddenly, the Teddy Ruxpin pyramid (or what was left of it) started to move...
Turns out, the missing child also liked my pyramid and decided to hide in the middle part, only problem was, when he bumped a few on the inside, some outside ones fell and blocked the entrance.

The kid didn't seen fazed and was enjoying breaking apart my pyramid from the inside but I decided to take him to the front desk and he was reunited with his relieved mum.

Well, That was the end of my pyramid building days.

When my boss found out that my Teddy Ruxpin Pyramid was to blame... well... there was alot of finger pointing and shouting and statements like 'Shape Up or Ship Out', well...Teddy Ruxpin was confined to the shelves.

(Teddy Ruxpin - above)

Moving On

One of the good things about being single and working was that I money to spare, so I brought myself a SLR camera. It was a Minolta (film back then) and set out into the world with the motto 'A good photographer should Eat, Sleep & Drink with his/her Camera' 

One of my Fav haunts was Darling Harbour in the city. (Sydney) where on a summers day, I would buy a snack pack (Dim Sim, Spring Roll & Sweet & Sour pork with fried rice) and sit in the park area and eat. One time, there was a band playing live. What got my attention was the synth setup and the little mouth piece that was hooked up. I had never seen this before. The band was 'The Reels' and the mouthpiece was run into the synth to give this wind effect used in the song 'Bad Moon Rising. (pic below).. The song 'Bad Moon Rising' is included in this Mix-Tape..

Moving On

This Mixtape was mostly recorded on my sisters boom-box.
She had a boom-box, I had a Walkman but when she wasn't home, I would sneak in her room and record from the radio waiting for the bloody DJ to shut up and play music...
It was a real skill to get the full song with no talking DJ on the start or finish of the song. 

Over the years, I have added a few of my fav songs but the original tape is there.. Take a listen, some songs you may not remember but once you hear them, you go 'I Remember This'

P.S = Song #16 ' Doug Mulray' was a Triple-M (radio station) DJ.. Huge in the 80s (Sydney)



01.  Aretha Franklin - Another Night
02.  Heart - These Dreams
03.  Laurie Anderson - Language Is a Virus
04.  Matt Moffat - Miss This Tonight
05.  Fun Fun - Baila Bolero
06.  Til Tuesday - On Sunday
07.  Sting - Fortress Around Your Heart
08.  Rod Stewart - Love Touch
09.  The Reels - Bad Moon Rising
10.  The Moody Blues - Your Wildest Dreams
11.  Stevie Nicks - I Can't Wait
12.  Eddie Murphy - Party All The Time
13.  Koo De Tah - Think Of Me
14.  Sandy Marton - Exotic and Erotic
15.  Mummy Calls - Beauty Has Her Way
16.  Doug Mulray - You Are Soul
17.  Wall of Voodoo - Far Side of Crazy
18. The Damned - Eloise
19. Sly Fox - Lets Go All The Way


LINKS = MUSIC - FLAC EX (655mb), VIDEO - MP4 (784mb)

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SuHWpdz9Hr5cdchuAYEhRGIf7dbcT72l?usp=sharing (Music Album)

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18pj8Q4UyaUbomNDkIbJ6HDLhOKUZrigM?usp=sharing (Video Version)

Be Patient with the download, it could take a while depending on your internet speed..

Stream or Download (on the google drive page, click the down arrow next to the name of the album to download and save to your computer)

Note = not all videos are on the video version that on the audio version, mostly because lack of video and also some videos are louder than others









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