Thursday, March 2, 2023


 Hello and Welcome Back... Its funny when you listen to a song that can instantly take you back to a time and place.. That's how this album is for me, and its not good

This album came out when i was in hospital after a bike accident (See 1989 Post) and the two main songs on this album charted fairly high in the music charts here in Australia. 

I was stuck in my hospital bed for 4 months, so music videos were on the menu and i would see the Tears For Fears video usually at position of 1-5 in the charts, the videos were surreal in itself (thank you Pethadine), but in the back of my mind, I knew that it was time for the night nurses to change shift with the day nurses which meant that any moment, it would be time for packing and bandages change and this hurt like you couldn't imagine.. 

I wont go too much into detail but having a metal probe pushed inside your abdomen cavity with miles and miles of packing to soak up urine and blood that went, where it shouldn't have, all while being wide awake is pure mind numbing agony... I had 4 months of this before the wound finally healed and closed...

Even now, i find it extremely hard to watch the videos of 'Women In Chains' & 'Seeds of Love'... It makes me physically sick.. So, So Many Memories..

Moving On...

Released in 1989, 'The Seeds Of Love' was the 3rd studio album by U.K outfit 'Tears For Fears' which seen 4 singles spawn from the album, those being 'Seeds Of Love', 'Women In Chains', 'Advice For The Young At Heart' & 'Famous Last Words'

The album on offer is the West German First Issue CD in FLAC EX Format....




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LINKS  (FLAC EX)   (413mb)!AvHXy_a0BwuUk0UiC_pthwccsBgQ

Be Patient with the download, i could take a while depending on your internet speed..

1. Click on 'Download'
2. Be sure to close other programs or other open pages (Download seems to go quicker)
3. Download will ask where you want to save
4. Give the downloading folder a name, then click 'Save'
5. On the top right of your browser, you should see your download progress  

6. Transfer to Music Player / Phone or Play on Your Computer... 





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