Sunday, September 11, 2022


 Hello and Welcome Back... Had this Album on Audio Cassette Back in the Day..Wicked Sound


Released in 1986, 'Every Breath You Take - The Singles' is a compilation of popular songs from U.K band 'The Police' which seen a video version released as well..

Back in the day, i owned a copy of this album on audio cassette and was blown away by the sound..

 The reason why i remember this album because i was listening to it when i walked in the middle of a protest in Sydney. 

I always took my camera with me when i made a trip to Sydney and I had just gotten off the train at Town Hall in Sydney. 

I noticed it was particularly busy with people chanting something (i had headphones on but i think it was environmental/ green peace).. 

I had just put the lens on my camera when i noticed, I had managed to walk right between the protesters and a police line with both parties looked kinda pissed off.. 

The energy was livid so i started snapping away with my camera when a policeman walked up to me and asked me what i was doing... 

I was going to say something funny like 'Hi, i'm listening to 'The Police' and now, I'm chatting to 'The Police' but the look on his face told me to think quick... 

'Um, I'm media' i blurted out (I had a wicked camera setup so it looked professional) while the song 'Don't Stand So Close To Me' was playing in my ears but suddenly he wasn't interested in what i had to say.. 

The police officer shifted his attention to someone else as the protester got in his face.. 

Annnnd, shit hit the fan.. I decided to start take a few more photos then get the hell outa there.. 

This was the last photo i took as the protester was getting physical and from memory was arrested, this started a domino effect as other protesters joined in and it got pretty heavy...Me?, i exited stage left.

Moving On

The Album on Offer is the Japan First Issue CD in FLAC EX Format...



Be Patient with the download, i could take a while depending on your internet speed..

Stream or Download (on the google drive page, click the down arrow to download and save to your computer) 


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