Friday, May 24, 2024


 Hello and Welcome Back... After The Huge Smash Hit Of '99 Luft Balloons' (Find The Album Here), This is The Follow Up Album... Yes, Its Mostly In German..


Released in 1984, '? Fragezeichen' (German for Question Mark) was the 2nd studio album by German Band 'Nena' which seen 3 singles rise from the album, those were '? (Fragezeichen)', 'Rette Mich' & 'Lass Mich Dein Pirat Sein'

The album on offer is the Made In Japan First Issue CD in FLAC EX Format..


1        Rette Mich
2        ? (Fragezeichen)
3        Das Land Der Elefanten
4        Unerkannt Durchs Märchenland
5        Küss Mich Wach
6        Lass Mich Dein Pirat Sein
7        Ich Häng' An Dir
8        Sois Bienvenu
9        Keine Antwort
10        Der Bus Is' Schon Weg
11        Es Regnet
12        Der Anfang Vom Ende

LOVE THE 80S ???  Can I Ask For Some Donations Pleeese (keeps this site going)

If You Download From This Site, Show your LOVE with a "Shout me a Coffee" donation (it only takes 30 sec, its Secure and its painless, promise :)
Just click on the 'Donate' link,  top right corner of the website... Thank You xxx


LINKS  (FLAC EXpanded Frequency)  (319MB) 

Be Patient with the download, i could take a while depending on your internet speed..

Stream or Download (on the google drive page, click the down arrow next to the name of the album to download and save to your computer) 




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